CHARLOTTE PRIDE BANDCHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINAMUSIC INSTRUMENT LOAN Name * First Name Last Name Email * Phone * (###) ### #### Address * Zip Code * Instrument * Make * Serial Number * Date MM DD YYYY I, the undersigned, hereby acknowledge receipt of the instrument or equipment listed below, same being the property of the Charlotte Pride Band. * I Agree I will keep said property in good repair and condition, as may be directed by the Charlotte Pride Band Board. * I Agree I will pay to said Board for any loss or damage to said property (barring normal wear) until returned to the authorized agent of the Board. * I Agree I will return said property at any time, upon notice from any member of the Board. * I Agree I acknowledge that all musical instruments and equipment are the property of the Charlotte Pride Band and are subject to recall at their request. As a further consideration for said property being loaned to me, I do hereby agree to faithfully discharge all duties required as a requisite to being a member of the Charlotte Pride Band. * I Agree Thank you!